Friday, September 03, 2004

A very sad day

What a terribly sad day it is. Hundreds of children have been injured and many killed in a school in Russia. It is awful to think that some people hold life, and especially the life of a child, in so little regard. It is a new milenium and it seems that peace is an ever distant dream for many nationalities and countries in our world.
We see what goes on in the countries selected to be presented in the news whilst knowing that violence continues in many African States and that child soldiers are even seen as a legitimate source of military recruiting. We seem to be continuing the propagation of hate and intolerance through out the world. It would seem that far from there being a new enlightened age of peace and tolerance we seem to be falling into a worsening mire of hate and violence being propagated by supposed 'freedom fighters' and 'terrorists'. Lets call them what they are killers and the takers of innocent life.
There have been many causes over history apparently worthy of the loss of life but the difference with this is the loss of life to the activist, not the innocent. It is easy to see something noble in a person willing to risk THEIR life for a principle or goal but it can surely never be condoned to take innocent lives with you. The activist has a choice that he/she just doesn't offer to the innocents they take with them.
I despair of the decade to come, and the century ahead of us. There seems no abatement to this horror but only escalation with no answers and only the promise of more violence. No-one even seems to have an answer. We live in a world where the peacemaker is just as likely to be slain/targetted as the miliary/political hawk.
The only thing I know is that the innocent will continue to be targeted, they are easier targets, and that it is the civilian majority across the world who will pay the cost. Don't we all just want a secure and safe place to live in and to bring up our families, irrespective of country, race, religion or sex.


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