Sunday, February 04, 2007

Celebrity Bitching

Now the good ole self proclaimed celebs at the heart of the BB controversy are saying they were potrayed in a less than good light by the producers. Awwww... shame...... actually, no, they went on the show to court publicity. They took the chance and their egos could see nothing about themselves that would make them anything but loved uber celebs at the end of the show.
Well, get this. They showed themselves to be shallow ignorant, head up their own arse wannabes. Outclassed by 2 americans who actually knew a good deal more about celebrity and how to deal with it and a lady who had more class and style in her little toe nail than either of them have in their entire bodies.
I just hope that some now realise, that as Brits we have moved vastly away from the stiff upper lip aloofness that we are stereotyped with and have become represented mainly by selfish, stuck up their own backside, so called celebrities with no talent for anything but getting their picture in a magazine or paper. Some real clebrities, and worst of all two of them Americans, showed how people with some real celebrity should act.

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